craigard day centre

In his work for Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Leonardo Pools Project ( Gordon has been involved in creating video materials in both English and Gaelic. The focus of the project has been on beginner and intermediate language learners, with a view to helping teachers develop their own materials with the aid of current technology. Gordon has produced some sample materials, based on recordings he has made in his local community.

The approach has been theme-based, for example care for adults with disabilities, or Hebridean food. Materials have been produced at two levels – scripted documentaries for elementary learners in plain language, together with additional “in their own words” interviews with key individuals which allow more advanced learners to hear authentic speech.

The collection is assembled under the broad title of “Guthan nan Eilean” – “Island Voices”. More items will be added in due course. Click on the links to see some of the videos and transcripts:

Craigard Day Centre
Re-Store Recycling Project
Hebridean Food
Ceòlas Music Summer School
Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Art Centre
Bi Beò Songwriting Partnership

Or click here to download the full catalogue.

Sample self-teach/self-test units based on the material have also been put together for the Cothrom community training group, incorporating Kent Andersen’s Web Text Blender and some Hot Potatoes exercises.

These materials are downloadable, subject to copyleft conditions.